Aloe arborescens Information
The stalks may reach 4 metres in height with a diameter of about 5cm.with many stems at the base.
The up to half- a -metre long and 5cm.wide leaves are green and curved towards the base. The serrated edges of these leaves are about 5mm.long. The red flowers grow in simple bunches. The leaves of this variety of Aloe, as in all the other types, contain medicinal substances, well-known in Ancient times. These substances contain a discreet healing power and regenerate animal tissue and were originally used for skin burns.
Many studies have been carried out on the active principles of these substances and a hypothesis has been put forward, without the certainty, that they may also have an anti-tumour effect.
Work in progress
Species Information currently being revised!
Native to
Work in progress
Distribution Information currently being revised!