Cordyline australis

Family: Asparagaceae   

Common Name: Cornish Palm

Scientific Synonymy:
Dracaena australis, Charlwoodia australis, Dracaenopsis australis, Terminalis australis, Cordyline superbiens, Dracaenopsis calocoma, Cordyline lentiginosa, Cordyline veitchii, Cordyline forsteri, Cordyline calocoma, Cordyline sturmii, Cordyline calocoma

Common Synonymy:
Cabbage Palm, Torbay Palm

Cold Hardiness Zone: 7b     View the UK and US zone maps

Cordyline australis Information

A monocotyledon endemic to New Zealand, and which is not a true palm tree. It grows up to 15 m tall, at first on a single stem, but dividing into a much-branched crown, each branch may fork after producing a flowering stem. The leaves are sword-shaped, 40 to 90 cm long and 3 to 7 cm broad at the base. The flowers are fragrant and creamy white, each flower small with six tepals, and produced in a large, dense cluster 50 to 100 cm long. The fruit is a white berry 5 to 7 mm in diameter.

Work in progress
Species Information currently being revised!


Native to

Work in progress
Distribution Information currently being revised!

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