Lytocaryum weddellianum

Family: Arecaceae    Palm Tree

Common Name: Miniature Coconut Palm

Scientific Synonymy:
Cocos weddelliana, Microcoelum martianum, Glaziova elegantissima, G. martiana, Calappa elegantina, Cocos pynaertii, Syagrus weddelliana

Common Synonymy:
Wedding palm

Cold Hardiness Zone: 9b     View the UK and US zone maps

Lytocaryum weddellianum Information

Stem 1-3.5 m tall and about 3-6 (-10) cm in diameter. Leaves are 7-25 in the crown, pinnate and more or less straight, about 1.3 m long, leaflets 0.4-0.9 (-1.2) cm in width. Petiole and rachis is covered with dense chestnut-brown hairs. Inflorescence with 20-62 (20-30 fide Glaziou, 23-34 fide Noblick, 58-62 fide Glassman) primary branches. Campos. Brazil.

General Information:
This species grows in the humid rainforests at low to medium altitudes (50-800 m). Its shade tolerance makes this palm desirable as a houseplant. Monoecious. Campos. Brazil.


Native to, Brazil

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