Tacca chantrieri

Family: Dioscoreaceae   

Common Name: The Bat Plant

Scientific Synonymy:
Tacca macrantha, Tacca lancifolia var. breviscapa, Tacca minor, Tacca vespertilio, Clerodendrum esquirolii, Tacca garrettii, Schizocapsa breviscapa, Tacca paxiana, Tacca roxburghii, Tacca wilsonii, Tacca esquirolii, Schizocapsa itagakii

Cold Hardiness Zone: 10a     View the UK and US zone maps

Tacca chantrieri Information

It grows to about 2ft. in height with flowers complete with filaments or whiskers 12in. long forming a flowing forked tail. Sow immediately in trays, pots, etc of good seed compost in a propagator or warm place to maintain an optimum temperature of 27-29C (80-85F). It is essential that the soil temperature is high and kept steady. Sow 1.5mm (1/16in) deep in good moist seed compost and seal the container inside a polythene bag after sowing. Germination usually takes 1-9 months.

General Information:
During the growing season (late spring to late summer) the plants will need to be watered very regularly and the compost must be well drained. Pot on as required into 13cm (5in) and finally 20cm (8in) pots. Give very little water through the winter and provide a temperature of 15-18C (60-65F) through the winter and 25-29C (75-85F) through the summer. Re-pot in February/March, shade from strong sun and give the occasional mist spray through the summer.


Native to

Work in progress
Distribution Information currently being revised!

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