Calamus hukaungensis Information
Stems clustered, to 4 m long and 0.8-1 cm diameter (with leaf sheaths). Leaf sheaths
greenish-brown with whitish tomentum, densely covered with reddish-brown, flattened, horizontally spreading spines to 1 cm long, with a non-spiny, swollen area both sides of sheath between petiole insertion and knee; knees present; ocreas present, to 0.5 cm long, densely bristly; flagella present, to 1.5 m long; petioles 12-22 cm long, sparsely covered laterally and abaxially with recurved spines to 0.5 cm
long; rachis 16-30 cm long, abaxially with few, recurved, solitary spines; pinnae 4-6 per side of rachis, lanceolate, arranged in distant groups, 20-30 cm long, 2.5-3.5 cm wide, without spines except at apices, the apical pair of pinnae joined at their bases
for one quarter to one half their length; cirri absent. Inflorescences to 2 m long, flagellate; partial inflorescences inserted below the mouth of the partial
inflorescence bract; partial inflorescence bracts, closely sheathing the main axis except at the apex, where open and flat (and apparently tattering), with few, very short, recurved spines, the apical margins densely covered with bristles as the ocrea; staminate inflorescences branched to three orders, with up to 3 partial inflorescences; rachillae to 1.5 cm long; rachillae bracts distichously arranged, to 1 mm long, glabrous except for ciliate margins; floral bracteoles 0.5 mm long, glabrous; staminate flowers to 3 mm long, to 14 per rachilla, arranged alternately and
distichously along the rachillae; calyx 2 mm long, tubular except for the 3-lobed apex; corolla 3 mm long, with 3 valvate petals free to the base; pistillode 0.5 mm long; pistillate inflorescences branched to two orders, with up to five partial inflorescences, each with up to 15 rachillae; rachillae 1.5-5 cm long; rachillae bracts distichously arranged, 2 mm long, with brown hairs; pistillate flowers to 20 per rachilla, borne alternately and distichously along the rachillae; sepals to 3 mm long, connate basally for ca. two-thirds their length, lobed above; petals to 3 mm long, free; fruits not seen.
Distinguished from other species in Group V by its partial inflorescences inserted below the mouths of the partial inflorescence bracts, which are
open at the apex and have densely bristly apical margins.
General Information:
A new species of Calamus rattan palm from Myanmar.
Native to, Myanmar
Myanmar (Kachin) lowland forest on flat land, at 190-285 m elevation.
Location: Myanmar (Burma) (26.417126°N, 96.134605°E)