Coccothrinax torrida

Family: Arecaceae    Palm Tree

Common Name: None known

Cold Hardiness Zone: 10b     View the UK and US zone maps

Coccothrinax torrida Information

A new palm species endemic to a karst hill of semidesert southeastern Cuba. This new species is small sized, related to C. pauciramosa, and is characterized by the following features: narrow semiorbicular flat leaves that are covered on the adaxial surface by white wax; a small irregular palman; long and erect inflorescences; and small, white, smooth fruits.

General Information:
Described in 2006. Occurs in only one isolated location, called Loma del Cuero or Loma del Chivo. It is restricted to highly drained soilless limestone cliffs with no access to underground water. The palm survives intense heat and sunlight with very little rain. However, significant humidity comes regularly from the nearby sea.


Native to, Cuba

Occurs in only one location, close to the sea.

Location: Cuba (20.064091°N, -74.518890°E)

Map may not represent the complete natural distribution. (Markers display observation data).

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