Geonoma triglochin

Family: Arecaceae    Palm Tree

Common Name: None known

Cold Hardiness Zone: 9b     View the UK and US zone maps

Geonoma triglochin Information

Work in progress
Species Information currently being revised!


Native to, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru

In the western Amazon region in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru at 735(200-1500) m elevation in lowland or montane rainforest. There is geographic discontinuity, and specimens come from three areas, one in Ecuador and adjacent Colombia and Peru, and two in southern Peru. However, there are too few specimens to test for differences. However, it is not known if the gap between populations is an artifact of insufficient collecting.

Location: Peru (-6.159488°N, -76.508789°E)

Map may not represent the complete natural distribution. (Markers display observation data).
Geonoma triglochin Overlay Image ©2025 Trebrown - No re-distribution without permission.

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