Lanonia magalonii

Family: Arecaceae    Palm Tree

Common Name: None known

Scientific Synonymy:
Licuala magalonii

Common Synonymy:
cay la ma ca, la non, la non nham.

Cold Hardiness Zone: 9b     View the UK and US zone maps

Lanonia magalonii Information

Stems solitary or clustered, to 1.5 m tall, 2-2.5 cm diameter, sometimes short and subterranean. Leaves 6-12; leaf sheaths 14-15 cm long, extended above the petioles into ca. 10 cm long auricles; petioles 16-56 cm long, the proximal ca. half with widely spaced, recurved, brown spines to 0.2 cm long; blades 44-48 cm wide, split into 3-4 segments, with minute, reddish-brown scales abaxially, with straight sides; costas 6.3-16.0(-24.7) cm long; middle segment deeply split almost to the base of the blade (to apex of costa) into 2 lobes, these much wider than the other segments, 33-41 cm long, 13-20 cm wide at the apices (rarely the central segment not split and then costa continuous to apex of segment); indentations leading to adaxial folds ca. 1 cm deep, those leading to abaxial folds ca. 0.2 cm deep, indentations deeper on lateral segments. Inflorescences to 54 cm long, erect or curving among the leaves; prophylls 11.5-18 cm long; peduncles 26-45 cm long; rachis 0(-14) cm long, with 1(-2) partial inflorescences, these branched to 2 orders, subtended by narrow, tubular, scarcely brown tomentose rachis bracts; these splitting apically; staminate rachillae 4-13, 10-14 cm long, 1-1.5 mm diameter, moderately covered with brown, felty hairs; floral stalks scarcely developed, borne in groups of 2-4, each subtended by ciliate bracteoles; staminate flower buds 3-3.5 mm long, bullet-shaped; calyces 1.5-2.7 mm long, gibbous, 3-lobed at the apices, glabrous; corollas 2.5-3 mm long, split for ca. two thirds their length into 3 petals, glabrous; staminal rings 0.5 mm long; filaments free for ca. 0.5 mm, approximately equal in length; anthers 0.5 mm long; pistillate rachillae 2-7 on each partial inflorescence, 4.5-15 cm long, ca. 1.5 mm diameter; floral stalks scarcely developed, solitary, each subtended by ciliate bracteoles; pistillate flower buds 2.5-3.5 mm long, oblong; calyces 1.5-2 mm long, 3-lobed at the apices with each lobe splitting again as the fruits develop and becoming 6-lobed, glabrous; corollas 2-2.5 mm long, split for 1.5 mm into 3 petals, glabrous; staminal rings vestigial; pistils ca. 1.5 mm long including a 0.2 mm long style, glabrous. Fruits 0.7-0.9 cm diameter, irregularly globose, colour at maturity not known, epicarp warty.

General Information:
A newly described species in 2008 from central Vietnam.


Native to, Vietnam

Endemic to central Vietnam (near Da Nang City and in Thua Thien-Hue) in primary, broad-leaved, evergreen, closed, montane forest on steep slopes on granite rocks at 1,000–1,500 m elevation.

Location: Vietnam (15.943019°N, 107.753906°E)

Map may not represent the complete natural distribution. (Markers display observation data).
Lanonia magalonii Overlay Image ©2024 Trebrown - No re-distribution without permission.

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