Pholidostachys amazonensis

Family: Arecaceae    Palm Tree

Common Name: None known

Cold Hardiness Zone: 10b     View the UK and US zone maps

Pholidostachys amazonensis Information

It differs from other species in its spicate inflorescence and proximal lips of flower pits regularly shaped, rounded, not covering pits before anthesis, recurved. Stems no data. Leaves number per stem no data; sheaths and petioles no data; rachises 42.0 cm long, 3.7 mm diameter; pinnae 6 per side of rachis; basal pinna no data; apical pinna length no data, 3.5 cm wide, formingan angle of 15° with the rachis. Inflorescences spicate, with a well-developed peduncle, absent rachis, and 1 rachilla, this arching at anthesis; prophylls and peduncular bracts woody, not covering rachilla at anthesis; prophylls and peduncular bracts no data; peduncles length no data, 3.2 mm diameter; rachilla 1, 18.7 cm long, 5.9 mm diameter; proximal lips of flower pits regularly shaped, rounded, not covering pits before anthesis, recurved; fruits no data.

General Information:
For inflorescence bracts and proximal flower pit shape, Pholidostachys amazonensis shares the same character states as P. synanthera. Fruits are lacking on the single specimen available. However, inflorescences of the two are quite different. Pholidostachys amazonensis has spicate inflorescences with a well-developed peduncle, absent rachis, and 1 rachilla, this arching at anthesis. Pholidostachys synanthera has inflorescences branched 1-2 orders with a well-developed peduncle and rachis, and several rachillae, these spreading at anthesis.


Native to, Peru

At 4°56'N and 78°10'W in Peru (Amazonas) at medium elevations in lowland rainforest. 320-730 m. PERU. Amazonas: Bagua Province, along roadside from Chiriaco to Puente Venezuela, 43 km (by road) NE of Chiriaco.

Location: Peru (-4.770784°N, -78.153992°E)

Map may not represent the complete natural distribution. (Markers display observation data).

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